Our experience is that women with vulvodynia do not know any other women with this condition. It’s easy to feel alone, to feel like the only one with this problem.
This web site is a place where women with vulvodynia can break that isolation. Just knowing there are others out there can be a good start. You can be involved in whatever way is best for you.
Make contact
If you’d like to simply make contact with someone else with vulvodynia, email support@vulvodynia.org.nz What you say will remain confidential.
Support network
We would like to build a support network across New Zealand. It could be by email, or it there could be groups meeting together. We could expand the website to include forums for discussion and support. To make any of these ideas a reality email support@vulvodynia.org.nz.
Vulvodynia doesn’t have to be something your GP has never heard of. It doesn’t have to be under-diagnosed. We should have access to a greater range of treatment options in the public health system. Advocacy could start here - if you’re interested. Email support@vulvodynia.org.nz.